Srđan Đorđević, PhD, Assistant

office(s): 336
[+381 18] 529-336


Symbolic simulation


Electronics I


Date of birth: 7 Febrary 1968

Place of birth: Niš

Citizenship: Serbian

Family status: married, 2 children


1994 Electronic Engineering B.S. degree. (Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš , Yugoslavia)

2001 Electronic Engineering M.S. degree. (Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš , Yugoslavia) “ A new hierarchical approach to large circuit symbolic simulation ”

2011 Electronic Engineering PhD degree. (Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš , Yugoslavia) -  Novi topološki pristup simboličkoj analizi elektronskih kola (A new topology oriented approach to symbolic analysis of electronic circuits)

Research experience

2002- “Development of Device and System for Power Measurements and Management in Industry” funded by Ministry of Science of Serbia under the cipher IT.01.076B .

1996-2000 “Integrated Circuit Design Automation”.

Main areas: Circuit Analysis, Symbolic Circuit Analysis.

Main results: support for the first t he first Yugoslav symbolic simulator.

University experience

1.2.2002 - Teaching Assistant at the Electronics Department of the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis , Yugoslavia/Sebia. Courses at graduate studies: Electronics 1


Author of 50 publications, classified as:

  • International conference (full) - 16
  • National conference - 17
  • Invited lecture on national conference - 1
  • Invited article in national journal - 1
  • Article in eminent international journal - 1
  • Article in international journal - 5
  • MSc thesis - 1
  • Technical solution for national project - 4
  • Educational publication - 2
  • International conference (partial) - 1
  • International journal promoted by authorities - 1


The full list of all the published papers by the author you can get from LEDA publications database

Fields of interest

Computer Aided Design of Electronic Circuits, Electronic Circuits Simulation and Optimization, Symbolic Simulation.


English: read, write and speak

German: Read and Write

Current Project

Design of solid state energy meter with protection of data in the system of consupmption control and charging - TR 1107.A



©2005 Srđan Đorđević - LEDA, Nis,
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